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Free Generative Writing Workshop with Alexia Arthurs

The Free Generative Writing Workshops zoom to you at home! Alexia Arthurs leads this month's session. Everyone's welcome! Email Lisa at to receive the Zoom link.

Co-sponsored by Prompt Press and Iowa City Poetry, the Free Generative Writing Workshops provide a space for career writers, curious beginners, writers of all income levels and stages of life. Our goal is to make it easy to meet and learn from some of the most talented writer/teachers living in or passing through Iowa City. Every month a new writer leads a generative workshop, presenting a prompt inspired by their own preoccupations, passions, or interests. It has been an adventure, and we are continually inspired by the creative concentration of participants, and the powerful beginnings the workshop generates.

More info about the Free Generative at


Alexia Arthurs is the author of the short story collection, How to Love a Jamaican. A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Arthurs has been published in Granta, The Sewanee Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Vice, and The Paris Review, which awarded her the Plimpton Prize in 2017. She was born and raised in Jamaica and moved with her family to Brooklyn when she was twelve.