August 28 & 29, 2020 / 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM
The practice of intervening public spaces and architectural facades with video projections has long been used by artists from Portland to New York. It is a readymade answer for the time of social distancing, and a desire for communal art experiences. This project transforms the city into a stage for art; illuminating new ways of experiencing our city through the act of projecting light. A forum for local artists and media makers to imagine their work outside the bounds of a gallery and reach new audiences where they are.
Using the platform and community of Public Space One to expand our audiences beyond the Northside neighborhood, the Open Art Media Festival is a pilot program that could be replicated or updated on a regular basis to continue to expand the reach of arts in public, beyond permanent installations or “plop art.” It is an alive and responsive medium that creates ephemeral events that expand the notion of public art and inspire new relationships to sound and moving images.
In consideration of COVID-19, we ask that you follow Iowa City’s mandate of wearing a mask in public while also maintaining a 6 ft distance from others as well as our artists. The sonic component for each installation will be broadcast over KRUI radio station throughout the program, creating safe viewing opportunities from your vehicle—this will also be a bike friendly event!
Organizer & Curator: Zen Cohen
Participating Artists: Jake Jones, Caitlin Mary Margarett, Anaïs Duplan, Dan Fine & Dana Keeton, and Adam Bryant
OPEN AIR 2020 was supported by a matching grant from the City of Iowa City Public Art Program.
Schedule & Locations:
8:30 >> Mobile Site 1: Stuff Etc (Side wall in parking lot) 851 US-6 E 41°38'44.4"N 91°30'42.7"W
8:50 >> Jake Jones: MAC Lab Media Arts Co-op: 206 Lafayette St 41°39'09.1"N 91°31'55.7"W
9:10 >> Mobile Site 2: Elrays Live and Dive (Alley between Dubuque and Linn St) 41°39'38.4"N 91°31'57.4"W
9:30 >> Anaïs Duplan: Back of PS1 (Dr Smollen parking lot) Public Space One: 229 N Gilbert St. 41°39'52.2"N 91°31'50.1"W
9:50 >> Caitlin Mary Margarett: PS1 front porch Public Space One: 229 N Gilbert St 41°39'50.9"N 91°31'51.5"W
10:10 >> Dan Fine & Dana Keeton: Iowa City Press Co-op: 225 N Gilbert St 41°39'52.0"N 91°31'45.9"W
10:30 >> end
Please note: these times reflect live performances and sound broadcast on KRUI from each location. All locations except the mobile unit stops will run projections throughout the two hour program.
KRUI Iowa City is proud to be working with Public Space One and the Media Arts Co-Op to amplify local art and music through community-based radio. The director board, made up of UIowa students, is thrilled to have experimental radio programming that contribute to KRUI as Iowa City’s Sound Alternative. Tune into 89.7 FM or online at to listen.