Public Space One community-driven, which means we rely on, and always welcome, individuals who want to get involved in making PS1 happen.
We have a variety of ways that you can plug in with varying degrees of formality and time commitment:
• general volunteer email list — we send emails to this list when we need help with one-time tasks like events, facilities projects, etc. It’s a great way to get your feet wet or help when when it’s convenient for you. Join here.
• gallery team — this committed volunteer group meets twice a month, curates our gallery and Free Studio Residency, and works with artists and PS1 staff to produce exhibitions and artist projects. Email with interest.
• Caretakers — opportunities to work on and learn about caring for historic structures and gardens. Contact
• community-access studios: You can get involved with the Iowa City Press Co-op (printmaking and book arts) by becoming an ICPC member. The Media Arts Co-op (audio, video, and new media) is open to any PS1 member, and anyone can participate in Iowa City Video Zine!
• fundraising teams — these groups of board members, staff, and volunteers works on a variety of fundraising initiatives including events, membership, and community partnerships. Learn more and indicate your interest here.
• the Center for Afrofuturist Studies — Help with onsite and virtual needs of the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, from the reading room to visiting artists to social media. Email if you're interested!
• workshops — we offer artist-led community workshops for adults and older teens and would love to connect if you’re interested in teaching or helping organize workshops. Contact
• board of directors — the board is responsible for the governance, budget, and broad mission of the organization. More information and an application form can be found here.
• space hosts: Responsible and friendly volunteers to host regular open hours at our locations. Contact
Questions? Other things you want to help with? To connect, email: INFO@PUBLICSPACEONE.COM and let us know what you’re interested in — we’d be happy to chat more and get you plugged in!