Junk Plate Intaglio drop-in workshop - 9/23, 12-3p

Learn or observe intaglio printmaking using “junk” materials like milk cartons, plastic food packaging, vinyl floor tiles, etc. Led by Dave Dugan. Drop in anytime at the IC Press Co-op! (225 N Gilbert St)

A lot of intaglio is done with copper plates, which are expensive, and if you're etching the plates, chemical baths are involved. Using "junk plates" takes the fear out of messing up an expensive copper plate. If you mess up a milk carton, who cares, it's just a milk carton!

Come on down and play around with a process you may be unfamiliar with, or if you are familiar with the process, maybe play around with materials you've never used before. It's free! Just show up for a few minutes, or a few hours, whatever works for you.