Become a PS1 Sustaining Member
PS1 needs your support! It is our mission to provide access to innovative, non-commercial art and arts opportunities to the Iowa City community. Our exhibitions, performances, happenings, and workshops are all free or cheap, participation is open to all, and volunteers make it happen.
become a sustaining member
...give a monthly donation of any amount!
(most members give between $5-30 per month)
Set up a monthly debit directly from your checking account: Fill out this form, print, and return to PS1, 229 N. Gilbert St. St. Iowa City, IA 52245 or send us a message and we will send you a form and SASE to mail back.
OR contribute via Paypal using the big yellow button on your right. >>>>
(Once we receive your digital or physical contribution, we'll be in touch with more details about perks and will add you to the sustaining member roster!)
Membership contributions support:
• the ongoing operational expenses that are the backbone of keeping our space running
• a wide spectrum of programs and facilities for artists pushing their creative practice and community members who believe that the arts are integral part of our lives
• investing in creating new projects and making more resources available to support artists
In addition to the beautiful feeling of supporting independent culture in Iowa City and ensuring that PS1 continues to exist, member benefits include:
invitation to annual member event
at least one annual artist-made (-grown, or -designed) gift
access to the Art Equipment Lending Library
discounts on studio access & equipment rentals [coming soon!]
Plus, your contributions are tax-deductible!
Want to make a one-time donation? Use the button below: