Tune into RADIO.MONTEZPRESS.COM 4-8pm (central) Wed. Aug. 26-Fri. Aug. 28 for music, literature, conversation, and more curated by the Center for Afrofuturist Studies!
Bleue Liverpool
Chloë Bass
Black Clapton Radio Hour: w/ Andre Perry & Tameka Cage Conley
Ripley Soprano, Sarah Snider, Angel, Jonathan González: The People's Space
PromptPress/CAS reading
Dyani Douze and Khalila Douze
James Allister Sprang
chukwumaa and E. Jane (SCRAAATCH)
Ethan Hampton
Storytime at the Afrofuturist Library: Genevieve Trainor & Dellyssa Edinboro
Readings from Antoine Williams’ Black Fusionist Society
Gabrielle Civil and Anna Martine Whitehead: Black Motion Audio
Sunday Brunch with Rahul Shinde and Anaïs Duplan