still from The Passion of Matt Damon by Alex Volz
A live screening of video-conference-platform-inspired new media work from an open call conceptualized and organized by Media Arts Co-op member Donna Bummer.
Tune in on Vimeo or on the MAC Facebook page!
"Pizza Paradise: Zoom Pizza Party" Beth Nelson
"Near Future" Donna Bummer
"Opportunity Calls" Landon Sheetz & Joey Loboda
"Horsey" Tommy Santee Klaws
"Tank Girl and Macho Man" Shem J Bitterman
"For Your Eyes Only" Davy Walker & Samatha Fickel
"QuarInterior" Luisa Caldwell
"2020 Vision" Rob Merritt
"BLM" John Engelbrecht
"Plurination (abridged track from the album The Imaginal Stage)" Iggy Valentine [WOOND]
"Shit's Fucked" Chris Carlone
"The Passion of Matt Damon" Alex Volz
"Puppet Poems" Jonny Stax
"Panopticon" Donaldian Black
"Paradigms for Liberation I-III" Anaïs Duplan
"White Priviledge" Mary Boss