ICPC Member Orientation + Guide
Welcome! The Iowa City Press Co-op (ICPC) is a collectively-run project of Public Space One (PS1). As a group, ICPC members work to create and promote resources and community for printmaking and book arts in the Iowa City area by maintaining an active community-access studio, coordinating projects, and providing educational opportunities. Being an ICPC member is both a commitment to participating in making this member-run endeavor successful through your input and an opportunity to be part of a great community, whether you are a professional artist, a total beginner, a dedicated amateur, or a print & book aficionado.
Access (virtual and physical)
Membership Levels
Working/lead member roles + duties
Meetings and voting
Shop Use and Etiquette
Workshops & Other programming
When you join as an ICPC member, please:
• Add your bio/pic to the member bios folder for the website (optional but strongly encouraged! We will be adding this page to the website soon)
• mark your calendar for ICPC member meet-ups on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4:30 pm
digital access:
Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/icpresscoop -- when you join, we'll add you to the ICPC email list)
This is the email communication tool for the whole membership. To contact the whole group, email icpresscoop@googlegroups.com. Everyone has different levels of tolerance for emails, so please be mindful of whether an email needs to go to the whole group while also feeling welcome to use this list to reach out and keep the group in the loop.
This is the go-to spot for internal information, file storage, and collaborative planning. Feel free to poke around and see what’s there, and please use it to store ICPC-related documents that will be useful to others.
Google Calendar (public, includes open studio hours, workshops, and other public events)
Instagram (@icpresscoop)**
Facebook (facebook.com/icpresscoop)**
** social media and website are run by working members in the communications group
physical access:
Members are allowed 24/7 access to the shop, however, if you want 24 hr access, you can get a keycard from PS1 that will let you in the front door of the building (a $20 deposit is required). If you only need access during building hours (7:30a-10p Mon-Sat, 11a-8p Sun), and the ICPC doors are not already open, you can use the shared key card that is stored in the top left locker in the lobby (you'll find out the code during your orientation). When you use the shared key card, please return it to the locker immediately after you unlock the shop -- it is used by many people to get into all the PS1 spaces!
You are welcome to claim a locker/cabinet cubby in the lobby to store supplies (BYO lock).
Flat file storage is available for $10/month (whole drawer) or $5/drawer (half drawer).
As a part of PS1, ICPC members are welcome to use other spaces (the kitchen, the foyer, the performance space/gallery) when there are not other activities scheduled in those spaces (check the master calendar at publicspaceone.com/calendar to find out).
Membership levels
working: ($17/month)
• volunteers 8 hours per month in one or more areas/tasks including: open studio monitoring, committee work (workshop logistics, public outreach events, publicity, building/organizing in the shop, fundraising/grant-writing, etc.)
supporting/non-working: ($37/month)
• has circumstances that do not allow them to volunteer on a regular basis
leadership: ($10/month)
• takes on a leadership role for one area of the Press Co-op (programming, communications, facilities, admin, and fundraising) and is the point person for that area
• can expect to spend in excess of 10 hours per month in their role
** New members are expected to make a 3-month commitment to membership.
** membership fees contribute to covering shared shop supplies, rent and utilities, etc.
Membership dues are due on the first of each month.
You can set up recurring payments for your dues:
• electronically through an ACH (direct debit from your bank account). Fill out this form and return to Kalmia to set up direct debit.
• electronically through a recurring Paypal payment (to set this up, use the Paypal link at publicspaceone.com/support)
Workshop discount! All ICPC members receive a 10% discount on workshops. Use code "PS1MEMBER" when purchasing online, or just subtract 10% when paying with cash/check.
Working Member Duties
The work needed to keep ICPC running is roughly divided into these areas: programming, communications, shop/facilities, and fundraising, each with its own lead member. Leads are not the bosses or idea-generators, but the coordinators and first point of contact for a particular area. Any member is very welcome to suggest things and/or take the lead on any projects. The overall duties of each area are described below, and the specific tasks are listed in the Working Member Tasks spreadsheet. Each season we revisit these tasks and working members are welcome to switch around and try something new!
Programming (current lead: Sayuri (shamueywalkietalkieATgmailDOTcom))
>>coordinate workshop scheduling, registration, and feedback
>>coordinate outreach/partnerships (eg. ArtsFest, IC Book Festival, etc.)
>>coordinate projects and events
Shop/Facilities (current lead: Violet (violet.a.virnigATgmailDOTcom))
>>coordinate monitor scheduling and training
>>manage shop supplies
>>coordinate shop cleaning and regular equipment maintenance
>>maintain signage and documentation for shop supplies and equipment
Communications (current lead: Desiree (desireedahlprintsATgmailcom))
>>create posters, brochures, etc. for ICPC programming
>>update website and social media channels
>>send out email newsletter
>>document programming
Fundraising (current lead: John (engelbrecht.artATgmailDOTcom))
>>grant-writing for projects and operational expenses
>>planning events and campaigns to raise funds for ICPC/PS1
>>administering scholarship program
The Administrative/Membership area is run by Emily Jalinsky, ICPC's Program Coordinator (emilyATpublicspaceoneDOTcom)
>>monitor ICPC email address
>>financial record-keeping and reporting
>>coordinate membership (orientation, record-keeping, etc.)
>>coordinate necessary paperwork (shop use waivers, donation receipts, etc.)
>>process/pay reimbursements, workshop tuition and instructor compensation, make shop purchases
Monthly Meet-up/voting
Member meet-ups are the second Sunday of the month at 4:30 pm unless otherwise determined. Members both working and non-working are encouraged to attend the majority of these unless you have an unavoidable conflict or extenuating circumstances.
Meet-ups start with 5 min. to get settled, 15-25 min for business and about 30 min for a shared activity such as a demo, critique time, or social time. Agendas are set the week before in a shared document, and you can add any items you’d like discussed. You're very welcome to suggest meeting activities or topics that go beyond the business of running the studio. Attending the meet-ups are also a great way to get to know your fellow members!
Decisions that require a membership vote should be presented/discussed at a meet-up, and then digitally voted on (Google Forms seems to work well) after, so that those not in attendance have the opportunity to read the minutes and vote as well.
Shop use/etiquette
hey there! As a member, you’re welcome to be at PS1 anytime to work on ICPC projects, work on your own projects, eat lunch, and/or get to know other PS1/ICPC folks. In fact, we encourage it!
Please only use equipment that you have experience with and/or have been trained on and/or feel confident that you can operate safely (both for yourself and the equipment). If you need training, ask! All members would be able to assist or recommend someone else with more expertise. We also have a by-request equipment orientation session on a monthly basis prior to the member meeting. However, please be respectful of people’s time, and consider signing up for an intro workshop (or suggesting a skill trade) if you need introductory or intensive training.
Posted information and the (green) shop binder should help you find your way around and know which supplies are available for community use. Basic consumable supplies (paper towels, rags, cleaning supplies, newsprint/proofing paper, tape, tarlatan, and chemicals used for etching and silkscreen) are available for all to use, along with a selection of hand tools. As a rule of thumb, you should always bring your own ink (except letterpress ink, which is included), paper (or whatever your printing substrate is), and your plate/matrix/block/stencil.
Some supplies are available to purchase. The price list is posted in the studio and here.
Please be aware that the studio exists in the middle of a shared space (adjacent to 5 private studios and a community kitchen and close to the PS1 gallery/performance space) and be respectful and communicative to make it a functional space for everyone, especially with regard to noise volume and use of space.
If you are working on a project, please allow enough time to clean up so the responsibility is not left to monitors or other printers.
Reserving press time: You can reserve time with piece of equipment or space in the studio using our ICPC Press Reservation Google Calendar. Detailed instructions are posted in the studio and available here.
Workshops & Other Events
ICPC workshops are taught by members as well as guest artists. We run a three-season workshop schedule (fall/spring/summer), with workshop proposals due in advance of each season.
We are currently developing a training for those who have never taught a workshop before and are interested. We also encourage you to take advantage of the experience of your fellow members and ask for help or advice when planning your workshops.
Check out Planning A Workshop on our Google Drive for more of the nitty-gritty on workshops.
We program other events -- printing demos, fairs, open houses, outreach, critique nights, parties, etc. etc. partially based on our workshop season schedule and partially based on opportunities/ideas that come up. If you are interested in organizing an event or starting a new project for the ICPC, pitch your idea at a member meeting. We encourage members to take the initiative to lead projects, or share opportunities for projects that other members may want to lead!