with May Roded
Sat. May 31, 10a-4p
at the IC Press Co-op (225 N. Gilbert)
pay-what-you-can: $30-130
Learn the relief printmaking technique of carving and printing a linocut block. Hand tearing and preparing paper, inking and printing the block, and making a small edition of prints will be demonstrated. An unmounted 6 x 8" linoblock and paper to create an edition of 6 will be provided. Demonstrations on how to transfer an image to the matrix, various carving techniques and printing with and without a press will be shown. Experimental printing such as rainbow roll or chiné colle methods can be demonstrated as well.
Open to ages 14+.
Registration deadline: May 29
*PS1 workshops are pay-what-you-can thanks to support from Hills Bank and individual donors. $112 is the true cost of the workshop, and we encourage participants to select the cost that they can afford, or pay a little extra to support future sliding-scale fees.
May Roded is an artist and current graduate student at UI's Printmaking class of 2027. May's primary printmaking medias concentrate in Intaglio, Monoprint and photographic processes, which often combine in her work. Themes in her work focus on identity, memory and relationships to environments and material objects. May graduated from Cal State University, Long Beach in 2017 with her Bachelor in Fine Arts, Printmaking. Since then, she has been teaching printmaking courses at Loyola Marymount University, Otis College of Fine Art and managed a printmaking studio in Santa Monica, CA named Josephine Press. May has an extensive background in collaboration printing, print education through workshops and enjoys being heavily involved in her Printmaking communities.