mid 2016 PS1 members update

Dear PS1 sustaining members,

I am writing today with an update specific to those who integrally support us (YOU!), enthusiastic about the state of our organization and the many good things ahead (enough to warrant a short table of contents!). Thanks for taking the time to share in this good news!





I am pleased to announce that a contract has been put in place to hire Kalmia Strong as our Program Director, a role that was long been volunteer-based and now officially comes with a well-deserved paycheck. Kalmia will continue to coordinate the various programs of PS1, including the Iowa City Press Co-op and the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, both of which have been thriving with her past integral (if volunteer-based) involvement. Both programs have a bright future (see below) and we are excited to expand in this regard. We will be pursuing some larger sponsorships (like the one illustrated by Kalmia in this image from 2013).

Kalmia holding a large check in the future IC Press Coop space (April 2013)

Kalmia holding a large check in the future IC Press Coop space (April 2013)


The creation of this position and its future sustainability is a direct result of your support and contributions to our art space and organization. As someone who has been involved for 7 years, I can tell you that while our growth is slow (sometimes much slower than we like) it has been steady (just yesterday we went through the numbers of past budgets to realize we have gone from an annual budget in 2010 of ~$6400 to a projected budget this year of ~$48,000!). In addition, engagement with our programs and energy of our volunteers (from our gallery team to board to print shop members) is at an all-time high. Through time, passion, and energy we have slowly cultivated a center for artists and a name that is recognized in the regional area and well beyond. We couldn't have done it without all of you.

Gallery team members Matthew Fleming and Bea Drysdale signing up sustaining members at PS1 May Day event (2016)

Gallery team members Matthew Fleming and Bea Drysdale signing up sustaining members at PS1 May Day event (2016)


This month we also received a $10,000 award from the Iowa Arts Council for our Center for Afrofuturist Studies (CAS) program (which has received press well beyond the state of Iowa). This award will support 4 visiting artists this fall (more info on the artists on our website), working in a studio at PS1 and engaging in a series of talks, installations, workshops, and other events throughout the fall. The program is a two-year initiative and the brainchild of Anaïs Duplan, with support from PS1 and a great group of local organizers. Updates on the program happen on fb, tumblr, and via the CAS mailing list (write: "subscribe" to cas@publicspaceone.com).

CAS Director Anaïs Duplan introducing visiting artist and current Pew Fellow, Tiona McClodden, at first CAS event (May 2016)

CAS Director Anaïs Duplan introducing visiting artist and current Pew Fellow, Tiona McClodden, at first CAS event (May 2016)


As we continue into year 2 of our sustaining membership program, we are devising plans for member incentives. We cherish the willingness of our members to support us without these additional expectations, but also realize there are some good perks we can offer. We are also interested in any feedback from our members along these lines. One small incentive that we are able to offer and pleased to announce at this time is a 10% discount off workshops at the ICPC. (Just use coupon code: "ps1member" at the checkout)

Gallery team and IC Press Co-op member, Chrissy Cooper, screenprinting an alterego with Leo during ICPC Superhero Gear camp (June 2016)

Gallery team and IC Press Co-op member, Chrissy Cooper, screenprinting an alterego with Leo during ICPC Superhero Gear camp (June 2016)


As great as all this news is, we are still engaged in a campaign to secure the long-term health and mission of the organization. Along those lines, here are 3 things you can do to leverage your contribution:

1) Share this email with a friend, perhaps a fellow art enthusiast who would want an organization that offers radical inclusion and cultivates homegrown culture and opportunities like ours to continue. As you know, we make ends meet through $5-$25 at a time. Encouraging a friend to become a sustaining member helps us move mountains!

2) Send us a sentence about why you support PS1. As we continue to advance our cause, these authentic testimonials go a long way.

3) Give us feedback. We value positive comments as well as constructive criticism. We are also interested in what incentives would be valuable to our members (and future members). We do our best to make sure as many voices help steer this ship as possible!


For all of you who have been an early part of this program, thank you. It may be a small automated transaction on your end, but when we receive it, we put a face to the name and feel a responsibility towards you and your donations to continue to do the work we do. I am happy and humbled to report our stable ground along with these good tidings (and a panopoly of future possibilities!).


John E.

Kalmia StrongComment