Long Stitch bookbinding (soft-cover journals)

Long Stitch bookbinding (soft-cover journals)

from $25.00

with Alexandra Janezic
Sunday April 7 & 14, 11a-2p
at the IC Press Co-op (225 N. Gilbert)
sliding scale: $20-$150

Make a multi-section softcover book in this introduction to bookbinding at the Iowa City Press Coop. Participants will learn the basics of bookbinding: how to cut down paper, punch and sew sections, as well as how to appropriately cut and fold cover stock paper to make a sturdy multi-section softcover book, known as the Longstitch Binding. You will go home with a journal made by your own two hands, ready to jot down thoughts or to capture drawn images.

registration deadline: April 1

open to teens & adults 14+

*PS1 workshops are pay-what-you-can thanks to support from Kum & Go, the Community Foundation of Johnson County, the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, and individual donors. $135 is the true cost of the workshop, and we encourage participants to select the cost that they can afford, or pay a little extra to support future sliding-scale fees.

workshop cost:
sold out