Stab Binding

Stab Binding

from $30.00

with Alexandra Janezic
Sun. March 30 & April 6, 10a-1p
at the IC Press Co-op (225 N. Gilbert)

pay-what-you-can: $30-160

In this workshop, participants will learn the fundamental history and concepts involved in bookbinding—grain direction, accurate folding, and cutting. We will make three stab bound books, utilizing the 4-hole, hemp leaf, and tortoise shell sewing patterns. Participants will go home with three books made with their own two hands.

Open to ages 18+.

Registration deadline: March 26

*PS1 workshops are pay-what-you-can thanks to support from Hills Bank and individual donors. $150 is the true cost of the workshop, and we encourage participants to select the cost that they can afford, or pay a little extra to support future sliding-scale fees.

workshop cost:
sold out